MEMO Annual Regulations

Due to the very special circumstances of this year, the following Annual Regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations (and take precedence over the General Regulations wherever they contradict each other; this is in accordance with General Regulations section 1.1).


  1. All official events will be held via the Internet.
  2. Leaders are free to assemble their team or parts thereof in one place, should the Covid-19-regulations of their country permit to do so.
  3. Leaders are free to invite or visit teams of other countries to write the competition together, should the Covid-19-regulations of their countries permit to do so.
  4. There will be no team competition, because the very different Covid-19-regulations in the countries (e.g. whether or not teams are allowed to meet in person) would not allow for a fair competition.


  1. The date and duration of the MEMO 2020 can be found in the Schedule for Students.
  2. The MEMO 2020 is organized by an international team and therefore does not have any single host country.
  3. The MEMO 2020 therefore also does not count towards the rotation of the host countries (see General Regulations section 2.3).
  4. Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 of the General Regulations (expenses, travel costs, travel insurance and participation fee) are not applicable this year.
  5. Participation is meant not to cause any costs. Any costs nonetheless incurred in any participating country (e.g. for paper, scanning, travel costs within a country to assemble the team, …) are to be covered by that country.
  6. Website hosting and domain costs for the MEMO Websites for the year 2020 are sponsored by AAU Klagenfurt and Birgit Vera Schmidt.
  7. Medals are sponsored by Birgit Vera Schmidt.


  1. Each country is allowed to let additional students write the contest at the same time as their MEMO team, but only the solutions of the MEMO team can be uploaded and will be graded. These additional students must be supervised the same way as the MEMO team members, and it must be ensured that the problems do not become available before the end of the competition to anyone else.
  2. The following exception to the General Regulation 3.5 “The Contestants must not participate in the IMO of the same year (…)” is made: If it becomes known after 29 August 2020, 09:00 CEST (that is, after the begin of the MEMO Individual Competition) that a member of a country’s IMO team unexpectedly cannot participate, the country is allowed to invite any student to take their place, even if that student already competed in MEMO.

Problem Selection

  1. The problems for the contest will be selected and prepared by a Problem Selection Committee consisting of members of multiple nations.
  2. The Problem Selection Committee will decide on a contest, finalize the English phrasing of the problems, prepare solutions and prepare marking schemes.
  3. All Problem Selection Committee members will review and approve all English problem statements and all marking schemes before publishing them. There will be no review by the Jury (though Leaders can of course raise concerns and the Problem Selection Committee will decide how to address them).
  4. The following General Regulations sections therefore do not apply this year: 4.2 (shortlist selection), 4.3 (shortlist distribution), 4.4 (beauty & difficulty ratings), 4.5 (beauty & difficulty publication), 4.6 (problem selection by the Jury), 4.9 (English phrasing of problem statements by the Jury), 6.1 (voting on marking schemes by the Jury).


  1. There will be no team competition. The following General Regulations sections pertaining to the team competition therefore do not apply this year: 4.8, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18.
  2. Depending on the Covid-19 situation in each country, the following options for invigilation are permissible, with those higher up in the list to be preferred if possible:
    • Gather students in one central location to write the contest together under invigilation of a supervisor.
    • Supervise each student separately in a school near their home.
    • Ask students to sign a fairness declaration and additionally ask their parents, legal guardians or other adults living with them to supervise them.
    • Ask students to sign a fairness declaration and let them participate by themselves via the Internet.
    • Ask students to sign a fairness declaration and supervise them via a video conference while they participate via the Internet. This is the last choice because our experience is that it distracts the students a lot without really providing much added security from cheating; but if you have made good experiences with it in your country, you are free to use it.
    • Any suitable combination of these options that best fits the situation in your country.
  3. The following modifications to the lists of allowed and forbidden items (sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 of the General Regulations) are made: If students write the contest at home, they can use any empty paper for writing (plain, ruled or squared), and may use computers / mobile phones during the contest to the extent that is necessary for downloading problems, sending questions and uploading their papers.
  4. Each Contestant may receive the problems in all available languages. (Desired languages should nonetheless be requested on the registration form so that we know which languages we need to translate to at all.) Students participating via the Internet will have access to all download links for all language versions. Students who are supervised in a central location may ask their Leaders to print for them all language versions that they desire.
  5. Contestants may pose questions to the Problem Selection Committee (not the Jury) in written form during the first hour of each competition, preferably in English (though the Problem Selection Committee is international and will probably understand questions in several languages). Leaders are kindly asked to help translate the questions to English if necessary.
  6. For further information about the competition, see also here:


  1. All student solutions must be uploaded to the MEMO 2020 Website; an exact link will be provided. Students who write the competition at home will scan or photograph and then upload their papers themselves. For students who write in a central location, their Leaders will scan and upload their papers.
  2. Coordinators will be able to see all submissions, (Deputy) Leaders will be able to see submissions of their own team.
  3. For details about the coordination phase, see the Coordination Regulations.
  4. The medal cuts will be determined in the Final Jury Meeting (held via video conference) as usual.